Connect Nodejs project to MongoDB using mongoose


Welcome to the second article in my series.

Now that we have done setting up our project as described in my previous article, Let's connect our project to MongoDB using mongoose. You can download the initial code from my github.

First up, download MongoDB from their official website (I'm using mongo 4.4 stable version for the project) and install the application on your machine. Now run the mongodb service on your machine using terminal by running below command


Now that MongoDB service is up and running on your machine, let's connect our project to the database using mongoose. For that install mongoose dependency in your project. Go to the terminal and type the command below

npm i mongoose
npm i -D @types/mongoose

After you're done installing the dependencies, open index.ts file and import mongoose module

import mongoose from "mongoose";

Now to make sure you follow best practices, keep all the imports at the top of your file. And write the code below before the server creation.

mongoose.connect("mongodb://localhost:27017/item-manager").then((connection) => {
  console.log(`connected to MongoDB at mongodb://localhost:27017/item-manager`);

Your index.ts file should look something like this


If everything's fine you will see the log that connected to mongoDB. If you get an error like I did, then don't worry. image.png This error is because of the node version, check your node version using command

node -v

Upgrade your node version to 14 at least using command line nvm install

nvm install 14

After installation is done switch to version 14 using command

nvm use 14

And now run your project using command

npm run dev

And you see the below in terminal


Congratulations! You just connected your nodejs project to local MongoDB Service. In case of any queries or corrections, please let me know in the comment section.

You can download the code from my github